Do I look like I have KFC written all over my face? Maybe KFC is on my forehead, because I do love some chicken! Oh boy, do the Chinese love their KFC.
Nevertheless, I am writing this entry because I played WING MAN once again!
Some day this wing man thing better pay off. I should be inducted into the WING MAN Hall of fame isn't that right Adrian?
I'm a team player and all, but do I always have to choose last, especially when I get the conversation going? Playing the wing tonight wasn't that bad, it is just that her friend was cuter.
Holland House Beijing
Tonight, we went to the Holland House in Beijing. The Holland House is a traveling club that opens for each Olympics. It serves as the headquarters for the Dutch and many eastern European groupies. Pretty fun place! I hope to add a few pictures from the night, but don't count on it.
Check out the Holland House Web Site

Picture Below: My boy Jon Venuto and Mark Vela holding up a model chick at the Holland House. Why couldn't that have been me ? Seriously, one of the girls is some Super Model and Olympic Medalist. Don't know who she is, and if I did, I still wouldn't put her on blast like that!