Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Art of War -- Negotiating in Shanghai Markets

Wow! Negotiating is definitely an ART and a SCIENCE! Our group has spent the past two days shopping in Shanghai at various markets and I must say that I learned a few things about negotiating. In addition, I've enjoyed having Adrian and Alec watch me and my negotiating skills in action.

Lessons Learned
  1. Everything is negotiable!
  2. There is power in placing your final offer, directly in front of the seller. This tactic plays upon the human psychology in ways that you would not imagine (both Adrian & I have put this to effective use).
  3. Sometimes we (humans) sometimes negotiate for the sport and because of need. In these situations, the ego and principles remain supreme, which is why sometimes we must put things into perspective.
  4. Damn, I'm good at this game! I consistently achieve a bargain price while maintaining my integrity, values, and respect for others.
  5. Time can be your worst enemy during a negotiation.
  6. Creating a market is a good way to extract maximum value from the exchange.
  7. Don't pay for any customized product until the customization process has been complete.

Funny Encounters while negotiating
  1. Merchants frequently said "I give you great price. This is original, not fake. Everything in my store is good quality." I would respond, "I want the bootleg items, please show me the bootleg items." Then they would respond by showing me bootleg items and then saying, "Everything is bootleg." Funny, trust me you had to have been there.
  2. The Chinese merchants would immediately call me a "Jokester" because I would go in and say, let me buy this shirt for $2,000 USD. They would look at my as if I were crazy. We would have fun together for a few minutes and then I would leave. They are really funny and good at what they do. The only thing that I still don't understand is -- "Why does every shop sell the same thing?" The merchants end up competing against each other rather than differentiating themselves.
  3. Summer, our tour guide, took us to a Silk Market and tried to tell us that we could not bargain. Who does he think that I am? Summer, is definitely a hustler. The shops pay him money to bring tourists to certain locations. He should become a little more crafty at pulling off certain heists and resorting to bold face lies. Some people just don't have any values other than the love of money.

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